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433 lines
Project: POV-Ray
Version: 2.2
File: PopupMenu.h
Routines to handle pop-up menus in dialogs. Long-hand way to do it,
so it works in System 6 and System 7.
Eduard [esp] Schwan
from Persistence of Vision Raytracer
Copyright 1993 Persistence of Vision Team
NOTICE: This source code file is provided so that users may experiment
with enhancements to POV-Ray and to port the software to platforms other
than those supported by the POV-Ray Team. There are strict rules under
which you are permitted to use this file. The rules are in the file
named POVLEGAL.DOC which should be distributed with this file. If
POVLEGAL.DOC is not available or for more info please contact the POV-Ray
Team Coordinator by leaving a message in CompuServe's Graphics Developer's
Forum. The latest version of POV-Ray may be found there as well.
This program is based on the popular DKB raytracer version 2.12.
DKBTrace was originally written by David K. Buck.
DKBTrace Ver 2.0-2.12 were written by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins.
More Info:
This Macintosh version of POV-Ray was created and compiled by Jim Nitchals
(Think 5.0) and Eduard Schwan (MPW 3.2), based (loosely) on the original
port by Thomas Okken and David Lichtman, with some help from Glenn Sugden.
For bug reports regarding the Macintosh version, you should contact:
Eduard [esp] Schwan
CompuServe: 71513,2161
Internet: jl.tech@applelink.apple.com
AppleLink: jl.tech
Jim Nitchals
Compuserve: 73117,3020
America Online: JIMN8
Internet: jimn8@aol.com -or- jimn8@applelink.apple.com
AppleLink: JIMN8
Change History:
930228 [esp] Created
930611 [esp] Radical rewrite to allow multiple popups in a dialog
931001 [esp] version 2.0 finished (Released on 10/4/93)
931119 [djh] 2.0.1 source conditionally compiles for PPC machines, keyword __powerc
#include <types.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // malloc
#include <memory.h> // NewPtr
#if defined (__powerc)
#include "PovMac.h" // for routine descriptor with global scope
#endif // __powerc
#include "PopupMenu.h"
#if defined(applec)
#include <Strings.h> // p<->cstr
#endif // applec
#include <Fonts.h> // checkMark
#include <Resources.h> // ReleaseResource
// constants for positioning the default popup item within its box
#define DOWNTRI_WIDTH 12 // room on right of popup for down triangle
#define SLOP_LEFT 13 // leave this much space on left of title
// =====================================================================
// Currently active list of popup items in current dialog
static popupRecHdl_t gCurrentListRoot;
// =====================================================================
static popupRecHdl_t FindPopupRec(short popupItemID)
popupRecHdl_t foundItem = NULL;
popupRecHdl_t searchItem = gCurrentListRoot;
// traverse the list, looking for a match of dlg item #s
while (searchItem && !foundItem)
if ((**searchItem).fPopupItemID == popupItemID)
foundItem = searchItem;
searchItem = (popupRecHdl_t)(**searchItem).fNext;
} // FindPopupRec
static void DrawDownTriangle(register short h, register short v)
register short i;
for (i = 0; i < (DOWNTRI_WIDTH/2); ++i) {
MoveTo(h + (DOWNTRI_WIDTH/2)-1 - i, v - i);
Line(2*i, 0);
// Draw the popup menu (called by Dialog Mgr for updates, and by our filterproc)
pascal void DrawPopupMenu(DialogPtr pDialogPtr, short pItem)
#pragma unused (pDialogPtr,pItem)
popupRecHdl_t popupItemH;
popupRec_t thePopupRec;
short itemWidth;
short itemWidthNew;
short itemLength;
short theItemType;
Handle theItemH;
Rect theItemRect;
StringPtr textPtr;
PenState savePen;
FontInfo fontInfo;
Str255 theItemText;
// find the appropriate popup item from list, given dialog item ID
popupItemH = FindPopupRec(pItem);
if (popupItemH)
// use a temporary to rid us of the floating handle problem
thePopupRec = **popupItemH;
// get popup item box
GetDItem(thePopupRec.fParentDialog, thePopupRec.fPopupItemID,
&theItemType, &theItemH, &theItemRect);
// get the menu title
textPtr = (StringPtr)(**(thePopupRec.fMenuHandle)).menuData; // Menu title
// need to know font size for later
// Draw the menu title off the left of popup box
MoveTo(theItemRect.left-StringWidth(textPtr)-2, theItemRect.top+fontInfo.ascent);
// Get the currently chosen popup item text
GetItem(thePopupRec.fMenuHandle, thePopupRec.fLastChoice, theItemText);
// Insure that the item fits. Truncate it and add an ellipses (“…”) if it doesn’t
itemWidth = (theItemRect.right-theItemRect.left) - (CharWidth(checkMark)+DOWNTRI_WIDTH+4); // available string area
itemWidthNew = StringWidth(theItemText); // get current width
if (itemWidthNew > itemWidth)
{ // doesn't fit - truncate it
itemLength = theItemText[0]; // current length in characters
itemWidth = itemWidth - CharWidth('…'); // subtract width of ellipses
do { // until it fits (or we run out of characters)
// drop the last character and its width
itemWidthNew -= CharWidth(theItemText[itemLength]);
} while ((itemWidthNew > itemWidth) && (itemLength > 0));
// add the ellipses character
itemLength++; // add room for elipsis character
theItemText[itemLength] = '…';
theItemText[0] = itemLength; // set the new true length
// draw the box
PenSize(1, 1);
// and its drop shadow
MoveTo(theItemRect.right, theItemRect.top+2);
LineTo(theItemRect.right, theItemRect.bottom);
LineTo(theItemRect.left+2, theItemRect.bottom);
// draw the string
MoveTo(theItemRect.left+CharWidth(checkMark)+2, theItemRect.top+fontInfo.ascent);
DrawDownTriangle(theItemRect.right-1-DOWNTRI_WIDTH, theItemRect.top+fontInfo.ascent);
} // if (popupItemH)
} // DrawPopupMenu
void InitPopups(void)
gCurrentListRoot = NULL;
} // InitPopups
Boolean PopupsExist(void)
return(gCurrentListRoot != NULL);
} // PopupsExist
static OSErr FillInPopupInfo(popupRecHdl_t newItemH)
OSErr anError = noErr;
short itemWidth;
short theItemType;
Handle theItemH;
Rect theItemRect;
StringPtr textPtr;
FontInfo fontInfo;
// we're about to dereference the heck out of this...
// get the menu & attach to our rec
(**newItemH).fMenuHandle = GetMenu((**newItemH).fMenuID); // our popUp menu
if ((**newItemH).fMenuHandle == NULL)
anError = ResError();
// checkmark the current item
SetItemMark((**newItemH).fMenuHandle, (**newItemH).fLastChoice, checkMark);
// get dialog item & adjust its rectangle
GetDItem((**newItemH).fParentDialog, (**newItemH).fPopupItemID,
&theItemType, &theItemH, &theItemRect);
itemWidth = (**((**newItemH).fMenuHandle)).menuWidth;
itemWidth += DOWNTRI_WIDTH + 4;
if (itemWidth < (theItemRect.right - theItemRect.left))
theItemRect.right = theItemRect.left + itemWidth;
theItemRect.bottom = theItemRect.top
+ fontInfo.ascent
+ fontInfo.descent
+ fontInfo.leading
+ 1;
// remember popup bounds
(**newItemH).fPopupBounds = theItemRect;
// set items rectangle & install handler routine (DrawPopupMenu)
#if defined(__powerc)
SetDItem((**newItemH).fParentDialog, (**newItemH).fPopupItemID,
theItemType, (Handle)&gPopupMenuRD, &theItemRect);
SetDItem((**newItemH).fParentDialog, (**newItemH).fPopupItemID,
theItemType, (Handle)DrawPopupMenu, &theItemRect);
#endif // __powerc
// now figure out title bounds
// get the menu title
textPtr = (StringPtr)(**((**newItemH).fMenuHandle)).menuData; // Menu title
theItemRect.right = theItemRect.left - 1;
theItemRect.left = theItemRect.right - StringWidth(textPtr) - 2;
(**newItemH).fTitleBounds = theItemRect;
} // FillInPopupInfo
void AddPopupToList(popupRecPtr_t newPopupRecP)
OSErr anError = noErr;
popupRecHdl_t newItemH;
popupRecHdl_t nextItemH;
// allocate new popup item
newItemH = (popupRecHdl_t)NewHandle(sizeof(popupRec_t));
if (newItemH)
// copy user info into it
**newItemH = *newPopupRecP;
// fill in additional info from menu etc.
anError = FillInPopupInfo(newItemH);
// remember list contents, append it later
nextItemH = gCurrentListRoot;
// point the head of list to our new item
gCurrentListRoot = newItemH;
// connect rest of list after our newly inserted item
(**newItemH).fNext = (Handle)nextItemH;
} // AddPopupToList
void KillPopups(void)
popupRecHdl_t trailerH = gCurrentListRoot;
// walk the list of popup recs & dispose of each one
while (gCurrentListRoot != NULL)
trailerH = gCurrentListRoot;
gCurrentListRoot = (popupRecHdl_t)(**gCurrentListRoot).fNext;
// release the attached menu resource
if ((**trailerH).fMenuHandle)
gCurrentListRoot = NULL;
} // KillPopups
// Filterproc for popup userItem hits on mouse down (call from your dialog filter proc)
pascal Boolean PopupMouseDnDlgFilterProc(DialogPtr pDialogPtr, EventRecord *pEventPtr, short *pItemHitPtr)
Point mouseLoc,
short newChoice,
long chosen;
Boolean myFilter;
popupRecHdl_t popupItemH = NULL;
// pre-initialize return values
*pItemHitPtr = 0;
myFilter = false; // haven't handled yet
if (pEventPtr->what == mouseDown)
mouseLoc = pEventPtr->where; // copy the mouse position
GlobalToLocal(&mouseLoc); // convert it to local dialog coordinates
// Was the click in a popup item? NOTE: FindDItem is zero-based!
theItem = FindDItem(pDialogPtr, mouseLoc)+1; // FindDialogItem someday...
if (theItem >= 0)
popupItemH = FindPopupRec(theItem);
if (popupItemH)
// It's time to pop up the menu
// - Insert the menu into the menu list,
// - call CalcMenuSize (to work around a bug in the Menu Manager)
// - call popupRecSelect and let the user drag around
// Note that the (top,left) parameters to popupRecSelect are
// our item’s, converted to global coordinates.
// hilight the title
// insert our menu in the menu list
InsertMenu((**popupItemH).fMenuHandle, -1);
// copy our item’s topleft
popLoc = *(Point*)(&(**popupItemH).fPopupBounds.top);
LocalToGlobal(&popLoc); // convert back to global coords
CalcMenuSize((**popupItemH).fMenuHandle); // Work around Menu Mgr bug
chosen = PopUpMenuSelect((**popupItemH).fMenuHandle,
popLoc.v, popLoc.h, (**popupItemH).fLastChoice);
// Remove our menu from the menu list
// unhilight the title
// Was something chosen?
if (chosen)
// get the chosen item number
newChoice = chosen & 0x0000ffff;
if (newChoice != (**popupItemH).fLastChoice)
// the user chose an item other than the current one
// unmark old choice
SetItemMark((**popupItemH).fMenuHandle, (**popupItemH).fLastChoice, noMark);
(**popupItemH).fLastChoice = newChoice; // update the current choice
// mark the new choice
SetItemMark((**popupItemH).fMenuHandle, (**popupItemH).fLastChoice, checkMark);
// Draw the newly selected item
DrawPopupMenu(pDialogPtr, (**popupItemH).fPopupItemID);
myFilter = true; // dialog is over
// have ModalDialog return that the user changed items
*pItemHitPtr = (**popupItemH).fPopupItemID;
} // if new choice
} // if chosen
} // if our popup Item
} // if mousedown
return myFilter;
} // PopupMouseDnDlgFilterProc
short GetPopupValue(short pPopupItemID)
short theValue = 0;
popupRecHdl_t popupItemH;
// find the popup rec
popupItemH = FindPopupRec(pPopupItemID);
if (popupItemH)
theValue = (**popupItemH).fLastChoice;
} // GetPopupValue